Fred X. Turck, Assistant Director
Resource Protection
Virginia Department of Forestry
900 Natural Resources Drive
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Phone: (434) 220-8052
Email: [email protected]

“Fire can be both a good and bad force in the forest. Under controlled conditions, the benefits of fire in forest and ecosystem management are great. Under uncontrolled conditions, fires can be disastrous.
Prevention and suppression of wildfires is a key part of the Virginia Department of Forestry’s (VDOF) mission; the agency achieves this through education, as well as responding to and suppressing wildfires. VDOF responders suppress more than 700 wildfires each year, protecting forests and property. Fire can be an important component of healthy landscapes, but in developed landscapes, fire can also be devastating, causing loss and harm to people and property. Managing fire in the landscape is critical to maintain healthy forestland and safe communities.
These same individuals who suppress wildfires also use fire as a management tool, completing around 4,000 acres of prescribed or controlled burning to benefit Virginia ecosystems.
VDOF’s wildfire prevention program is also going strong. Almost all wildfires in Virginia are caused by humans – therefore, almost all wildfires are preventable. With this in mind, VDOF places much emphasis on preventing wildfires through awareness and educational programs, working with youth, adults, and communities. Prevention is our best defense against wildfires!”